Video Surveillance



On Site Video

Hosted Video

IP Networked

Services And
Safety and Security is the need of the hour. A Person going to office wants a safe working environment, a shopper wants a hassle free shopping experience, a business enterprise wants to protect its physical assets 24X7, a retailer wants to monitor and control his environment and do better business. We all want to stay secure and breathe easy. Secure environment results in smooth operations, greater productivity and confident people. More than anything else, it brings complete peace of mind and gives the confidence that puts people at ease, wherever they are.
Environments teem with life when they are safe and comfortable. With increasing need for efficient security and ever shrinking budgets. Security products are fast replacing man guards and human intervention. Amongst the security solutions, Video surveillance is the most preferred and reliable one.
Mere presence of overt or discreet video monitoring is a huge deterrent to a potential crime. The new video technologies have increased our capabilities and set a new standard in security. SAC offers a complete integrated solution that goes way beyond just close circuit television (CCTV) cameras.